
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Cupcake, why o why.

When you work at an office that refers patients you tend to get surprised by other offices with sweet treats. I love sweets, so it makes it difficult to turn down a delicious cupcake. Today our office was treated to a variety of cupcakes from Cupcake bakery.

 I personally don't love their cupcakes, something in them makes my tummy hurt, but I always have to try one (since I've taking on cake baking, you know, to compare notes, wink wink).  I was proud though, I just tried 1/4 of a cupcake, the Salted Caramel cupcake, to see what the hype was about.

First, you taste the sweet cream cheesy icing with caramel flavoring and then you get a slight salty hint, then comes the chocolate cake itself. Not bad, but 1/4 was plenty.

After nibbling on a cupcake, I felt guilty and knew the gym would make me feel better. Working out is a great way to release stress but sometimes the idea of working out after a hard day at the office is stressful. I planned on sweating it out but wasn't sure if Jason made it home to take Lola out. His schedule has changed so poor Lola was alone and waiting since early this morning. And since he didn't charge his lovely phone...I headed home. I have to create a workout schedule and stick to it, no matter what! As I say, tomorrow's another day and that means another opportunity to better myself.

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